If you want to make a new couch slipcover, you need to have the right fabric pieces. You’ll need fabric for the front and back flaps of the couch as well as three or four side sections. You’ll want to cut the fabric to the right measurements and overlap them slightly. Then, hem the edges to ensure they fit properly and are straight.
Start by cutting a rectangular piece of fabric or muslin to the size of the arm front. You can also use a piece of fabric as a pattern. You’ll need a piece of fabric that is 4” by 13” and a piece of Velcro that is 11-1/2”. After cutting the fabric, lay it out on a flat surface. Mark the pattern sections using a piece of chalk. Make sure to leave a 1 inch seam allowance for hemming.
You can make a couch slipcover for as little as $100 by using drop cloths. These can be purchased at home improvement stores and department stores and are a quick and easy way to update an outdated sofa. This easy makeover can help you extend the life of your couch and give your home the look you want. You can even make a temporary couch slipcover to give it a new look while saving money.
Another easy way to make a couch slipcover is by using a PVC pipe. The pipe can slide into the space between the back and seat to anchor the slipcover. If you’re worried about tucking objects into the sofa, you can buy a stretch fabric that can withstand the extra weight. The stretch fabric is also flexible and holds onto wedges better than a loose-fit cover.
The fabric you’ll need for a slipcover is usually sold by the yard. This is the length measurement of fabric, and the width of the bolts is usually between 32 inches and 60 inches. It’s important to know the width of the fabric before you start work on it. This will prevent puckering in the finished product.
If you have pets, you’ll want a durable couch slipcover to protect it from their claws. If you’re making a couch slipcover for a pet, you can add some fluffy pom poms to keep your furniture safe. Also, if you have an ottoman that needs to be covered, you can add a pleated skirt on top.
After you cut your fabric, you need to sew the pieces together. The front and back pieces need to be sewn together first and then attached together with the piping. Then, you can sew the seat pieces to the back piece. If the pieces are not matched yet, the front piece should be stitched to the seat piece at the middle line.