Feng Shui is a philosophy dedicated to inviting positive energy into your home by using certain design elements. When organizing furniture and decor, it’s essential that these rules be taken into consideration.
Clutter disrupts the natural flow of chi, so decluttering is vital. Your house’s entrance may act as its mouth for receiving energy – so make sure it remains clean and well maintained to promote positive chi flow.
1. Clear the Clutter
Clutter-free spaces are essential. Clutter depletes energy and can block the path towards good fortune and happiness.
Kitchen cleanliness symbolizes wealth and nourishment; therefore, keeping countertops and shelves free from expired food items, single-use appliances and tools you never use should be prioritized for good hygiene.
The front entryway should also be kept free from debris. Be sure to wipe both interior and exterior doors down regularly, place a welcoming mat by the entrance, and display your door number clearly.
Feng shui relies heavily on an energy map called a bagua that assigns different aspects of your life (such as prosperity or relationships) to various rooms in your home. Clutter in these spaces can hinder progress in those areas.
2. Create a Focal Point
Feng shui is all about finding harmony amongst its five elements – wood, fire, earth, metal and water – to help your life achieve harmony. Each element represents different emotions, colors or areas on a Bagua Map that may bring balance into your space and life.
Positioning your bed directly opposite your front door is considered to be an obstacle that obstructs progress in life, which is why sleeping facing the entryway should never be done. Furthermore, having your trash can next to the stove would represent contamination to food products and should also be avoided as much as possible.
Select a focal point in each room to draw attention and disperse energy evenly, such as an eye-catching painting, unique sculpture or beautiful tiled fireplace. Achieve maximum impact by choosing a centerpiece such as this!
3. Choose the Right Colors
Color can have a profound effect on how energetic a room feels, so select colors from the constructive element cycle which support your goals and needs.
Green symbolizes health while browns and earthy hues can bring feelings of stability and nurturing support – perfect for family living spaces. Soft blue hues like PPG’s 2019 Color of the Year Night Watch represent healing and growth while providing mental clarity; furthermore they may symbolize wood which makes it ideal for home offices or nursery walls.
If your bedroom is located in the northwest section of a bagua map, use blue artwork to symbolize career success and spread feelings of abundance and prosperity in your dining area.
4. Add Natural Elements
Integrating natural elements into any room is believed to encourage healthy energy flow and can include anything from wood cutting boards and metal cookware, earthy stone countertops or simply adding water features like fountains or bowls of fresh water.
Plants are another great way to incorporate earth elements. Just ensure that they receive sufficient water and nourishment as any sick or dying plants are considered bad feng shui.
Avoid placing electronics such as televisions, computers, exercise equipment and workspaces in your bedroom as these can interfere with restful slumber by symbolically representing wakefulness or amplifying anxiety. If possible, conceal these items or set up their facilities elsewhere.
5. Add Sound
Sound can greatly impact the flow of energy within a room. According to some, loud noises cause discordant reactions and dissipate positive energy, while gentle sounds tend to bring peace and increase positive vibrations.
Feng Shui recommends playing soothing music and chime tones as sound effects in your home to promote a healthy flow of energy and decrease any unpleasant sounds from outside such as street traffic or passersby. According to Love to Know online magazine, this can also reduce negative impacts such as street noise.
Water sounds, such as fountains or fish tanks, can help stimulate the chi in and around your home. But be careful not to overuse water energy in the bedroom – which represents your career – since too much restless energy could impact that aspect of your life.